Crack growth length A a under different number of cycles was attained by compliance method and strain gauge method. 利用柔度法及电阻应变片法获得了在不同疲劳次数下裂缝的扩展量△a值,在此基础上得到了混凝土疲劳裂纹扩展规律。
The crack closure is dynamically measured by means of interferometric strain-displacement gauge ( ISDG). 用激光干涉应变-位移测量仪(ISDG)进行了裂纹闭合点的高精度动态测量。
Some auto-sensing devices, such as landslide force sensor, crack deformation sensor and rain gauge sensor, are laid on the place where the disasters exist, the data collecting-transforming devices and power-supplying devices are also laid as the monitoring program. 依照监测方案,在灾害点现场布设滑坡力传感器、裂缝变形传感器、危岩体位移传感器、雨量计等各种自动装置,数据采集发送以及供电装置。